Monday, June 27, 2011

We had our first interview! It was with the food blog, nonaBROOKLYN, for the their article "Smorgasburg Dispatch: Brooklyn's New Culinary Incubator/Face-Stuffing Frenzy Debuts." Read the wonderful article here.

The Vendors: Caitlin Bebb & Jessica Giannone
The Product: Pies
The Story: Jessica and Caitlin met while starring in an all-female version of Shakespeare Titus Andronicus.In the play, Caitlin’s character orders Jessica’s to be killed and then baked into a pie. They swear that this has nothing to do with their pie-centric business, rather it stems from a mutual love of baking.
So, you don’t think the play is some sort of morbid irony?
C: No!
And you aren’t baking people into pies?
C: Not yet (laughs)
Phew. So how did you get involved with Smorgasburg?
J: We were applying to be vendors at Brooklyn Flea and then all this Smorgasburg stuff came up. I love Brooklyn because of things like this – individual restaurants, unique one-of-a-kind products.  Smorgasburg is really bringing attention to this and helping everyone who has neat ideas and tasty things.
Speaking of tasty things – tell me about your pies. What are some pies you feature? 
C: Right now we mostly do fruit pies. We want to start doing savory – I’ve been experimenting with lentil recipes. My personal favorite right now is the peach plum apricot.
I’ve also seen your pie lollipops – what a great idea!
J: Yes, the pie pops. We always want to keep our pies fresh and simple and fun. And so many people are doing things on sticks and we thought – why not pies? It’s so exciting to see people walking around with them!
Are you noticing a lot of new competition in the pie world?
C: Actually I heard a short piece on NPR the other day that pies are the new cupcakes. I thought, no! Pie is old school! It’s ok though. There’s a new pie revolution going on which is awesome and we’re a part of that.